
Your drawing skills aren’t great.

Your drawing skills aren’t great.

Your drawing skills aren’t great. That’s what I was told by a tutor when I was at art college approximately 1 million years ago. Thanks for that mate. He did go on to say that I had a very sophisticated use of colour… which was well received by me haha. I’m easily pleased! The point is that 1 million years later, I still remember this exchange. (If you can call...
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What do you expect?

What do you expect?

  What do you expect from a workshop? I would love to go on a writing course for a day and be quite brilliant and fully equipped by the end of the day to write my hilarious international bestseller! My tutor will teach me everything they know, and I’ll pick it up like a pure natural with all the confidence required to see me set off on the road to...
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Show Time

Show Time

It's show time again! This weekend is the Melbourne Arts and Architecture Trail in beautiful South Derbyshire. Shall I take the chance of saying that it's always sunny and warm.. perhaps I'll keep that thought to myself and err on the side of caution. Either way, it's a chance to see the work of artisans from across the country, displayed in and around the homes of this achingly beautiful Georgian...
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Pushing on open doors and open studios

Pushing on open doors and open studios

The theme that runs through my life as an artist is that I need to push constantly. Doors to opportunities don’t open on their own. It can feel like a set back at times, and life is full of custard pies, but carry on pushing them and the golden opportunities will present themselves when you keep showing up. I read a book some years ago about lucky people. The message...
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