Show Time
This weekend is the Melbourne Arts and Architecture Trail in beautiful South Derbyshire. Shall I take the chance of saying that it’s always sunny and warm.. perhaps I’ll keep that thought to myself and err on the side of caution. Either way, it’s a chance to see the work of artisans from across the country, displayed in and around the homes of this achingly beautiful Georgian market town. Food, music, laughter and creativity are in abundance so I reckon you should come along and have a good day.
Easily accessed from Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Nottingham and Birmingham, we’re right in the heart of the Midlands and you can’t miss us.
It’s a funny old game, popping your artwork up and hoping that people will come along and have a look. This particular show is one of my all time favourites, as I’ve been showing here for as long as it’s been running and I feel that we have grown and learned together. My paintings are all about finding the light and the theme seems fitting at this particular event. It literally lifts the spirits to be a part of it.
If you fancy coming along and having a laugh with me, I’ll be at venue 3 on Church Street this year. I’ll be easy to spot under the big gazebo on the patio. Excitement will be effervescing from me, with a small measure of panic thrown in. I find a little bit of panic that the weather might not hold, is never far away when showing outside. It’s not the strongest look for an artist to be employing the skills of an octopus while attempting to hold on to canvases, cards and prints simultaneously ! It does guarantee the laughter promised though haha.
Looking forward to seeing you there. Roll on show time. I’m ready.